AzureGoat Intro ☁💻 In this writeup, I will document my process of solving AzureGOAT by INE Labs a vulnerable by design Azure cloud environment that features OWASP Top 10 web application security...
AzureGoat Intro ☁💻 In this writeup, I will document my process of solving AzureGOAT by INE Labs a vulnerable by design Azure cloud environment that features OWASP Top 10 web application security...
Intro 🐙 In this writeup, I will document my process of solving the Squashed machine on Hack The Box. Recon (Information Gathering) We first start by gathering information about our attack mach...
Notes nmap --scripts [script name] --script-args [smbusername smbpassword] -p[port no.] ipaddr [Nmap SMB Scripts and SMB Enumeration Step-By-Step Pentesting Guide](
Notes a process by which a DNS server passes a copy of part of its database to another DNS server. nmap, netdiscover Check for firewall using ping and use -Pn for steal...
Notes Mapping a Network Physical Access Sniffing ARP ICMP Fping, ARP Scan - for finding hosts we use both as we may not find exact results with either one or ...